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Ackerman Cancer Center Blog

What are the benefits of proton therapy for head and neck cancers?

Proton therapy is a highly targeted form of radiation therapy that uses protons instead of photons to target the tumor site. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) recently updated their guidelines to include proton therapy as an appropriate treatment option for oral, head and neck cancers – in particular, those near the obit of the eye and the base of the skull.

Reflections on “Decreased Incidence of Hypothyroidism with Proton Therapy”

By: Scot Ackerman, M.D. -- In the June 2016 issue of Neuro-Oncology, researchers from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston reported findings that craniospinal irradiation with proton therapy led to a decreased incidence of hypothyroidism in the long-term. (Click photo to learn more.)

What you need to know about Cervical Cancer and HPV

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. By getting vaccinated against HPV, getting regular screening tests, and knowing the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, you can take steps to protect yourself from this disease.

A Scientific Look at Cannabis and CBD Oil

Our doctors are frequently asked about the use of cannabis and CBD oil for cancer patients. Dr. Perkins dives into the science behind THC and CBD as well as the benefits and risks.

Dr. Scot Ackerman Joins WJXT for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Scot Ackerman joined WJXT on two occasions to discuss the importance of screening and early detection in the treatment of breast cancer, […]

Dr. Scot Ackerman Joins WJXT and Speaks on Jane Fonda’s Recent Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Diagnosis

This past week actress Jane Fonda announced via social media that she has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. “So, my dear friends, I have something personal I want to share. […]

First Lady Casey DeSantis Announces Launch of Florida Cancer Connect at Ackerman Cancer Center

First Lady Casey DeSantis Announces Launch of Florida Cancer Connect at Ackerman Cancer Center

Health Screening Habits After COVID-19

Dr. Jaymeson Stroud was featured in the July 2022 Ponte Vedra Recorder Senior Living Section. He discussed the impact COVID-19 has had on screening habits and the cancer community as […]

The Do’s and Don’ts for Grilling this Summer

Summer has arrived, and many Americans are dusting off their grills and enjoying some backyard grilling time. Grilling has been linked to cancer for years, but you’ll find some tips […]

The Positive Power of Protons

Radiation therapy is a major cancer therapy that can be used alone, with surgery, and/or chemotherapy to cure localized cancers. Proton therapy is one of the most advanced forms of […]