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Karen’s Wellness Bulletin

September is National Fruits and Vegetables Month

The Produce for Better Health Foundation has designated September as National Fruits and Vegetables Month to encourage consumers to eat more fruits and vegetables every day for improved public health. A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of many leading causes of illness and death, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity.

Remember to Eat Your Rainbow This Summer

Many people prefer to obtain nutrients from vitamins and supplements rather than fresh fruits and vegetables. However, by leaving fresh produce out of your diet, you are depriving your body of nutrients that it cannot get anywhere else. Besides vitamins and minerals, there are components in plant-foods called phytonutrients that, although not essential for life, may positively influence and promote human health.

Meal Planning to Promote Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is important because it provides the body with essential nutrients that can help to maintain or improve overall health. By healthy meal planning, individuals can keep a balanced diet, while also substituting unhealthy food choices for food choices than can promote health. This bulletin will guide on how to build weekly healthy menus and where to find resources to adjust your menus according to your budget.

Nutritional Properties of Oregano and Marjoram

Today, they are also used extensively in tomato-based sauces including pizza sauce, dressings, stews, and any garlic-flavored dish.

Beef vs. Vegetarian Burgers

Hamburgers are one of the staples of the American kitchen. On average, Americans eat three hamburgers a week, which represents nearly 50 billion burgers a year or 156 burgers per person annually. In this bulletin, I will share the pros and cons of both beef and vegetarian burgers as well as two delicious recipes for you to try at home.

The Nutritional Properties of Jackfruit

Jackfruit is a good source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Some studies have found potential benefits of Jackfruit for cancer prevention, glucose control, blood pressure, cholesterol and wound healing among other conditions. Read this bulletin to learn more about the nutritional benefits of this versatile fruit and get a delicious Jackfruit BBQ sandwich recipe!