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Karen’s Wellness Bulletin

Chronic Kidney Disease (Part 2)

Nutritional status plays an important role in the long-term survival of patients with kidney (renal) complications. Malnutrition is very common in patients with CKD, especially those who are on dialysis and its prevalence ranges from approximately 20 percent to 70 percent among adult dialysis patients. Read this bulletin about how to maintain nutritional values during Chronic Kidney Disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease (Part 1)

Chronic kidney disease occurs when there is a slowly progressive decline in the kidneys’ ability to filter metabolic waste products from the blood and the major causes are diabetes and high blood pressure. According to statistics from the CDC, it is estimated that 15 % of US adults have chronic kidney disease (CKD). About 96 percent of people with kidney damage or mildly reduced kidney function are not aware of having CKD and 48 percent of those with severely reduced kidney function but not on dialysis are not aware of having CKD. Read this bulletin where you will gain valuable information about Chronic Kidney Disease.

Everything You Need to Know About Eggplants

Eggplant is a member of the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. Eggplants have a savory flavor with sweet notes, but bitter alkaloids dominate in the peel and reside in the seeds, particularly in overly ripe eggplants and an important component of the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, African, and Asian cuisine. Read this blog to learn everything you need to know about this wonderful vegetable.

The Health Benefits of Asparagus

Asparagus is a healthy vegetable and a great source of potassium, copper, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It is also rich in insoluble fiber and vitamins which makes asparagus a key ingredient in a healthy balanced diet. Read this bulletin to learn everything you need to know about asparagus and obtain a delicious soup recipe!

How to Build a Mediterranean Diet in 3 Simple Steps

Increasing evidence suggests that following a Mediterranean Diet could counter diseases associated with chronic inflammation, including metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, obesity, pulmonary diseases, and cognition disorders. In this bulletin we will learn how to follow this beneficial diet and you will get great resources to help you to transition into it.

The Benefits of Yoga for Cancer Patients

Yoga integrates your physical, psychological and spiritual components through postures, breathing exercises and meditation. It has been shown to offer many health benefits to patients undergoing cancer treatment.