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Karen’s Wellness Bulletin

Eating your way to clearer skin

The impacts of what you eat aren't just visible in your weight, they can also have an impact on your skin. A change in your diet could be the key to finally clearing up troublesome adult acne. Karen explains why and has a delicious summer quinoa salad recipe.

The Science Behind the Health Benefits of Garlic

Originating in Central Asia, garlic is a member of the onion family and is a vital ingredient in cuisines all around the world. Garlic is both a culinary and a […]

A Burning Topic: A Nutritionist’s Perspective on Food Preparation Methods

Man has been grilling, smoking, and even frying foods since the discovery of fire. Steaks and burgers with perfect grill marks paired beautifully with french fries is iconic, and we admit it tastes great. But those cooking methods come with risks, Karen has some food for thought as we head into this summer grilling season.

Eating with a purpose, the importance of feeding your immune system

Our immune system is constantly working to protect us and keep us healthy. Our lifestyle choice can impact how well our immune system can function. The foods we eat play a large role in helping our body stay as healthy as possible. This article details some immune-boosting foods as well as a delicious recipe for Greek Chicken Cauliflower Rice Bowls.

To Brew, or not to Brew

For many of us, coffee is a key beverage in our diet, and often it's the first thing we consume every day. New studies point to several health benefits of drinking coffee in moderation. In this blog I outline the benefits and risks of coffee along with a unique and simple recipe idea to add some flair to your cup of joe.

Naturally Enhance Your Digestion

Digestion issues and irregularity are common with today's lifestyle and diet. Karen has a delicious recipe and 5 foods that can help ease these issues naturally.