We are pleased to host this month’s speaker, Dr. Paul Clark, PhD, who will be discussing the importance of maintaining your mental health throughout treatment and creating strategies for communicating your needs to others during your cancer journey. Dr. Clark hopes to create an open discussion around how our own personal preferences can often dictate how we engage with others, but also provide insight on how one can effectively communicate needs, not only to their treatment team, but also to the important people in their lives.
As always, Ackerman Cancer Center holds our patients’ and community’s health as a top priority. Therefore, due to the rise of COVID19 cases we will be hosting this event virtually through Zoom. Please click the link below to register.
Zoom Link: https://ackermancancer.zoom.us/j/87631208372?pwd=UFBtYWk5RlRPNFpLM05wWnlHOEJHQT09
If you have any questions, please reach out to heatherh@ackermancancer.com