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annual screening

Men’s Health Awareness

June is Men’s Health Month The month of June is used to raise awareness about the importance of preventative medicine among men. Additionally, Men’s Health Month aims to increase awareness […]

The Time to Screen is Now

“We can’t make up those that we missed, but we can certainly make sure people get back on track and get those cancer screenings,” said Dr. Scot Ackerman. When COVID-19 […]

Procrastination is Cancer’s Best Friend.

Do Yourself a Favor and Get a Breast Exam. A fitness tracker on your wrist cheers you to shoot for 10,000 steps today. You select oatmeal over biscuits and sub […]

Colorectal Cancer Awareness: Colon Cancer in Women

“The symptoms that you have with colorectal cancer can frequently mimic symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle in women,” says Dr. Ackerman. Women frequently believe that colon cancer is a […]

Early Detection and Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Through screening, vaccinations, and treatment, cervical cancer is a preventable disease. Pap smears play an important role in the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. Encourage the women in your life to be screened annually or every three years.