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balanced diet

Living Healthy with Lung Cancer

Nutrition Tips for Lung Cancer Treatment Lung cancer is one of the most hypermetabolic cancers, meaning that it has unusual increased demand for calories, proteins and nutrients. This high demand […]

Watermelon and Wellness

No fruit represents summer better than watermelon does! Watermelon is available from May to September, with its peak season being mid-June to late August. This fruit is so versatile and […]

Cauliflower Packs a Cancer Fighting Punch

Yes, you have been bombarded with information about the health benefits of cauliflower in low-card diets. But did you know that this vegetable is packed with cancer-fighting proteins and nutrients, […]

Diet and Cancer

Diet and Cancer Prevention Only 5–10 % of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–95 % have their roots in the environment and lifestyle […]


Studies suggest that simple lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet, could prevent 30-50% of all cancers. ACC wants you to remember the six most important cancer-fighting foods or […]