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cancer treatment

Let’s Talk About It: The Benefits of Counseling During Your Cancer Journey

        Shelby Goodman, MSW, RCSWI, Oncology Social Worker A cancer diagnosis can be challenging for patients and everyone involved in their care. As a patient at Ackerman […]

Shining a Light on Head and Neck Cancer

April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month, a time to educate and spread awareness about the early signs, symptoms and treatment methods for head and neck cancer. There are […]

What you need to know about Cervical Cancer and HPV

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. By getting vaccinated against HPV, getting regular screening tests, and knowing the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, you can take steps to protect yourself from this disease.

Is Proton Therapy Right for Your Cancer?

Is Proton Therapy Right for Your Cancer? While many people are familiar with Radiation Therapy as a treatment for cancer, not all are aware of Proton Therapy as an additional […]