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healthy diet

The Science Behind the Health Benefits of Garlic

Originating in Central Asia, garlic is a member of the onion family and is a vital ingredient in cuisines all around the world. Garlic is both a culinary and a […]

Eating with a purpose, the importance of feeding your immune system

Our immune system is constantly working to protect us and keep us healthy. Our lifestyle choice can impact how well our immune system can function. The foods we eat play a large role in helping our body stay as healthy as possible. This article details some immune-boosting foods as well as a delicious recipe for Greek Chicken Cauliflower Rice Bowls.

Beauty and the Beet

Beets are starting to earn their spot on the list as a superfood that can help you prevent cancer, look younger, and keep your digestive system on track. Take a look at Karen's blog to see how a tasty root can accomplish so much!

Eating Healthy to Manage Lupus

Healthy eating plays an important role to help reduce the symptoms and side effects that come with lupus. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, those diagnosed with lupus can have a better quality of life.

Adding Chard to Your Weekday Dinner

Chard is sought after because of its large, crinkly green leaves. It comes in different colors that include yellow, purple, or red. In addition, all chard varieties are rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Young chard leaves can be eaten raw in salads, but when chard matures, it tastes best steamed, boiled, roasted, sautéed, or in a stew.