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Reimagining Drinks to Celebrate a Happy New Year

This year more than ever, we are celebrating a new year. Karen has highlighted delicious, alcohol-free drink recipes to spice up your celebration.

Healthy Holidays! Tips for Navigating Holiday Meals

For many Americans, the majority of the holiday season focuses on meals, parties, and food. This can add up to sneaky weight gain. Karen has tips on how to navigate holiday season eating without giving up important traditions.

Lifestyle Measures to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence

For breast cancer survivors, finishing the cancer treatments doesn’t mark the end of their journey with the disease. It is the beginning of a new normal, where lifestyle choices can improve future outcomes. Here is a review of some lifestyle measures that can reduce or increase the risk of breast cancer recurrence, plus, a delicious pumpkin fritter recipe.

Pears and Your Health- A Perfect Pairing

Pears are a versatile fruit that pairs well with sweet or savory dishes. Karen covers how to pick the perfect pear, how they benefit your health, and some storage tips to keep your fruit fresh.

The basics of Sunflower Seeds and Sunflower Oils

Sunflowers have many health benefits and are credited to balancing your Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio. Karen explains why that ratio is important in this blog as well as gives you a fantastic salad recipe.