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Support Programs

Support Programs

Many patients find comfort and encouragement in talking with others who have experienced cancer. The following Ackerman Cancer Center support programs provide information and emotional support to those living with cancer, including patients’ families and caregivers.

To find out more information about support programs at Ackerman Cancer Center, please call the social work department at (904) 880-5522 or email

Our Cancer Community

Ackerman Cancer Center’s support programs are open to all patients, as well as the broader cancer community. These virtual meetings are hosted by Ackerman Cancer Center’s caring and compassionate social workers on a secure Zoom virtual meeting platform. For more information on programs offered, please contact our social work department at

BEAM Team (Bravely Educating and Mentoring)

The BEAM Team is a group of cancer survivors who are available to speak to anyone about their cancer journey — whether you have just been diagnosed, are currently undergoing treatment, or have a loved one with cancer. BEAM stands for Bravely Educating and Mentoring, and these extraordinary survivors stand for everything Ackerman Cancer Center values.

To connect with a member of the BEAM Team, please contact the social work department at (904) 880-5522.

Men Helping Men

Men Helping Men is an empowering educational program designed to support men in making informed decisions at every stage of their prostate cancer journey. This program offers valuable resources, guidance, and a community of support for men facing prostate cancer.

Date: Third Monday of the Month

Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Join Us: In person (10881 San Jose Blvd) or via Zoom

Contact:  (904) 849-6516

SHINE – Supporting Her IN Every Way

SHINE is an interactive women’s support group that provides an uplifting environment to encourage meaningful and helpful conversations, education, and activities. Through SHINE, our goal is to help women with cancer make informed treatment decisions, equip them with tools to ease the challenges of treatment, and, most importantly, offer support and encouragement during and after cancer. 

Date: Third Tuesday of the Month

Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Join Us: In person (10881 San Jose Blvd) or via Zoom

Contact: (904) 849-6516